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David has seen through out his many years of practice the detriment of emotional trauma at its worst no matter how big or small. So whatever your problem or issue is no matter how long you have suffered, there is a fast and effective solution to help you regain control of your mind and body together.
If you wish to speak with David first to discuss your problem with no obligation, please feel free to call or email us, we’ll be happy to help.
If the treatment you are interested in is not listed below, please feel free to contact David for an initial (no obligation) conversation and to discuss your condition before committing to a session.
As a consultant specialist, David offers a plethora of techniques technologies and methodologies that he teaches and masters to help find and remove, at root-cause level, psychological problems with Brief Treatment & Rapid Resolution.
David has over 23 years of experience treating and training the general public from all walks of life regarding mental health issues where psychological forces are involved:
Addictive Behaviour, Gambling, Substance Abuse, Smoking Cessation, OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADD ADHD, BDD Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Confidence, Self-Belief, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth,
Anxiety / Panic Attacks, Depression, Weight Control, Marital and Relationship Problems,
Male & Female Sexual Problems, Ejaculation Issues, Erectile Dysfunction, Pee Shy.
The Elite Master of Clinical Therapeutic Modalities & Communication Model of Excellence
David is the creator and founder Master Trainer, Practitioner of NCLS® New Code Linguistic Strategies® a profoundly powerful clinical modality that changes unconscious conscious behaviour.
David is also a clinical Analytical Hypnotherapist Psychotherapist Teacher Trainer Practitioner, a CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, a Trainer Master Practitioner of NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming,
Trainer Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®, Trainer Master Practitioner Business / Life Coaching,
Trainer Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy,
Trainer Practitioner of TFT Thought Field Therapy {Diagnostic VT}
Trainer Practitioner of EFT Emotional Freedom Technique, Practitioner of
EMDR Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing
David has been a Reiki Master Teacher Trainer Practitioner for over 20 years
Our concept is to improve for you, your ability to specifically achieve in all areas of your life without hindrance of limiting beliefs decisions or choices, a performance of excellence in every attitude of your life.
We believe you have within you the resources, the capacity and capability to make choice, to make changes in your life regarding all logical comprehension that inspires you to be the best of the best.
"George started showing signs of tics at the age of 3. By the age of 8, we noticed that the tics were affecting George in a negative way. As the years went on, it became apparent that George would need help in many ways as it was affecting all aspects of George's life and that of his family.
School life was a struggle for George and also the teachers at school as they had never met anyone like George before. However, school were very supportive of George's needs. School at this point recommended David to help George. The tics were having a huge effect on George's education as he had to leave the class on a regular basis and missed many valuable lessons.
Life seemed to improve for George and our family when we met David in 2017. David has had a huge effect on George in very positive ways. George's tics were on a scale of 10 out of 10 when we met David and they are now 0. George continues to do well, and we could not have reached the place we are now without David."
George's mother
*Client name has been changed to respect confidentiality.
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